Beverly Fishman Exhibition



Untitled Monotypes
Beverly Fishman
August 13 - Sept. 5, 2020

Virtual Tour
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Beverly Fishman’s Untitled Monotypes are based on her energetic and complex Dividose paintings, these unique Monotypes appropriate the unsettling, multilayered, linear aesthetic of medical imaging technologies such as EEG and EKG machines. Like this technology, the works provoke levels of optical immersion capable of eliciting physiological responses from viewers. 

“In 2005 and 2006, when I created these unique digital monotypes, I was thinking about the ways in which our minds were becoming more densely interconnected with our worlds through both drugs and technologies. Based on a formal vocabulary appropriated from pills, capsules, EKG patterns, DNA codes, molecular diagrams, and barcodes - in addition to well-known pharmaceutical logos (such as Klonopin, Haldol, and Valium) - these works imagined new half physical, half virtual states of being: floating mental landscapes in which biology and technology combined and mutated.” — Beverly Fishman


Virtual Tour


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